Ron Paul Money Bomb: Lighting up the Cause

Tomorrow, on Friday, March 23, 2012, Ron Paul is holding a money bomb. For long, we Paul supporters have spoken out for our candidate; now we have the chance to back that up with more than words.  The Ron Paul campaign is still alive and well, but it needs all the help of its famously dedicated supporters that it can get.

Again and again this primary season, we have seen how unwavering commitment can triumph over all else.  In county after county, in state after state we have seen that, even in places where Ron Paul does not win the caucus or primary vote, he is still garnering many and sometimes nearly all of the delegates; the thing that will really matter at the Republican National Convention this August.

Here are some interesting facts that have begun surfacing about what has happened, often enough, in this primary season.

In virtually all of the states where the delegates are not bound (meaning that, regardless of the numerical straw poll voting results in that state, the delegates are not required to vote for anybody in particular), Ron Paul has managed to gain half or more of the delegates.  A fact not often mentioned by the media in general when speaking of delegate counts.

Even in some of the states where the delegates are bound to the straw poll results for a certain number of ballots at the national convention, Ron Paul supporters have secured the delegate spots.  This means that if the convention goes past the first ballot, or the second or the third, then these delegates, though originally bound to vote for another candidate, will be freed up to voting for whomever the wish.

In several states (E.G: Iowa, Nevada, but there are also others, to be sure) Ron Paul has managed (in spite of the straw poll results) to secure a majority of the delegates heading into the state conventions.  This means that, if the Paul delegates play their game right, then they are poised to get 100% Paul delegates in these states heading into the national convention.  So, even though Paul did not win the straw poll in these states, he may end up with every single one of the delegates; a big deal, but one not often mentioned by the media.

We are all seeing many headlines now with delegate counts posted; counts which invariably place Mitt Romney in the lead with a large margin, Rick Santorum, coming in at a distant second, Newt Gingrich placing an even more distant third, and finally Ron Paul is shown in fourth, barely even registering in the count.  Well, I am sure many people have, at least briefly, wondered where exactly those numbers come from.  Well the truth is that, for a very large portion of them, it is nothing more than a guess.  What the polling organizations do is they deal out the delegates proportionally to the candidates based on the result of the primary/caucus straw poll in each state; they do this even in the states where the delegates are not bound to the straw poll results.  So, what that means is that these guesses are completely inaccurate when the delegate count differs from the straw poll results, as it has done in several states.  If I were to make an educated (but not calculated) guess on the matter, I would say that the delegate placings were closer to this: Mitt Romney leads, with Ron Paul bringing up a close second.  Rick Santorum comes in a somewhat distant third (most of his wins have been in places where the delegates were unbound and, therefore, Paul would be stealing many of the presumed Santorum delegates), and Newt Gingrich comes in a very distant dead last with very few delegates indeed.

And that guess does not take into account the fact that, if the convention goes past the first ballot, many of the Romney and Santorum delegates will go to Paul, only strengthening his position.

The fact is that the republican nomination is not, by any means, out of our grasp.  If this convention is brokered then, with every ballot, Ron Paul’s chances of winning go up.  And with every donation that comes in, however small, the chances of that happening are raised a little higher.  That is why we need to all pull together and give everything we can to help Ron Paul rocket his way to victory, first at the republican convention in August, and ultimately in the general election in November.  Ron Paul’s fight is far from over, and that is why every one of us should save the date and give as much as we can tomorrow in Ron Paul’s Give Me Liberty Money Bomb.  We have persevered and made it thus far; tomorrow we can show Dr. Paul and his campaign that they can still count on us standing with them as they fight to restore Liberty in our country.

So tomorrow, even in the midst of all of your doings, do not forget to stop, take a minute, and make a contribution to Ron Paul’s campaign.  And even tonight, you can go ahead and go to the below link and pledge the amount you are able to give.  Don’t wait!  Let’s continue working to “Restore America Now”.  Ron Paul for President 2012!

~Oblitus Només

The New Pledge of Allegiance

I came across this poem recently on the web, and it struck me, how accurately it portrays the current state of our society.  It was written by a 15-year-old school kid in Arizona, who (not surprisingly) got an A+ for his entry.  It is sad to think that our country has fallen so far from where it started.  Once we were a nation “under God,”  now our nation is trying its best to escape from the reality of His supremacy.


“New Pledge of Allegiance”

Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.

If scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That’s no offense; it’s a freedom scene..
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all..
In silence alone we must meditate,
God’s name is prohibited by the state.

We’re allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks…
They’ve outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the ‘unwed daddy,’ our Senior King.
It’s ‘inappropriate’ to teach right from wrong,
We’re taught that such ‘judgments’ do not belong..

We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles..
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.

It’s scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school’s a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!


People say that praying in school is a violation of the “separation of church and state” clause in the constitution.  What most people don’t know is that that clause does not appear in the constitution nor any other founding document of America.  The phrase originated in a letter from President Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association.  The text of the letter reads, “… I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”  If, when he was writing his letter, Thomas Jefferson had only known that his words would be used in an attempt to cut God out of a society built upon Godly principles, then I suspect Jefferson would have burned his letter without having ever sent it.  To think of it makes me also to think, and be grieved at heart, when I do, of what Jefferson said at another time:

“I tremble for my country, when I reflect that God is Just, and that His Justice cannot sleep forever.”

~Oblitus Només

The Continuous Revolution

Sometimes, when the rush of everyday life subsides for a minute, and I stop and take a look around, and I see an American flag waving along in the breeze, it will take me back, for a moment, to a time many years ago when I stood looking at that flag.  I was very small, but I remember vividly how, as I stood, I swelled with pride at the thought that I was an American and that the flag that I saw before me represented the fact that I was free; that I lived in a country where the people lived not for their government, but for themselves and those they loved.  And I knew that that freedom could never be taken away.  Or could it?  As the years passed and I got older, and wiser, and more aware, my patriotic pride began to melt away.  Because how, how could I be proud of my country, when I saw the truth of what it was, when my government was taking away the rights of the very people it was supposed to protect, when it’s foundational principles were being condemned and rejected.   The America of which I had always been told did not truly exist.  It was an ideal, but it had ceased to be a reality.

And why?  Why did this America no longer exist?  Why had the promise of an enduring freedom been broken?  Well that was the question that plagued me for a long time.  Then I thought I had the answer.  It was simple enough; there were bad politicians in America who had done bad things.  But soon I began to see that this was not the problem, but the result of a still deeper problem.  The true problem was not that there were politicians doing bad things, but rather that the American people were not doing anything about it.  The truth is that most people do not even know that their country is going down the drain economic depression, most people have no idea that their liberties are being voted away a little at a time under each administration, and most people don’t even care because they have lived in security for so long, that they have forgotten that freedom is retained the same way it is won; by battle after battle after battle.  How can we have victory if we do not fight?

So what is it that I expect people to do?  Well that is quite simple.  Be politically active.  Know what is going on in your country, who supports what, and vote accordingly.  I could not say the number of times I have casually asked someone who they supported in the current race for president, got an answer of “Rick Perry,” and I would reply, “Ok.  Why do you support him?”  It is amazing to me how easy it is to stump Americans now a’ days.  Most people answer this question with, “Oh, because he is a Christian, he is pro-life, and he is just so conservative.”  Well, great; this year around that just about sums up the claims of every republican candidate in the race.  It has happened even more often, however that I would state my support for Ron Paul and receive the, at first, startling answer of, “Ron Paul?  That pro-choice liberal who supports gay marriage?”  To that I would have to reply, “Well, no I meant Dr. Ronald Ernest Paul the presidential candidate.  To whom were you referring?”  If you are going to vote for a candidate, make sure you really know what he stands for.  And if you are going to reject another candidate, make sure that the things you have against him are not just hearsay.  Do a little research before you vote so that we can get a president who will actually uphold the constitution and rebuild our country.

Another thing which we need to know is what the current important issues are.  Polls have shown us that a large percentage of Americans do not even know what is going on in their country.  You can say something about the U.S military bases in foreign countries, and a lot of people will say, “Oh, yeah.  Well, we’ve got to catch those terrorists.”  Terrorists?  The United States has military bases in over 150 countries around the world, with 369,000 of its 1,580, 255 active duty personnel serving outside of the United States!  And they think that’s all to fight terrorism?  Well let me tell you, if you think terrorism is a problem, then take a look at your own country.  We have some much bigger problems springing up in our own midst than any that could come from the Middle East.  Terrorists have killed 3000 Americans since 1990; abortionists have killed 4000 Americans since yesterday.  And rest assured that abortion is not the only problem with our country.  TSA is violating Americans’ right to privacy on a daily basis in air ports, subways, and now even some bus stops and ferries.  News stories of police raids on peaceful everyday activities, arrests without cause, and violations of the laws of Due Process are cropping up more and more often as time progresses.  Politicians who openly reject the constitution are still accepted into public service positions.  Polls report an unnerving increase of Americans who don’t even know what’s happening.  The last circumstance is perhaps the worst of them all.

But you can fix that.  You can be the beginning of the awakening of America.  If you don’t know what is happening, if you don’t know what the true stances are of the current candidates for president, then find out.  If you are aware, then tell other people who may not be.  You don’t have to be famous to change the course of our country.  You can do it right where you are.  But you cannot call yourself a loyal American if you do not give all you have to the preservation of freedom in America.  As Thomas Paine put it, “He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”  We cannot stay idle.  We must shout in every street corner of this country the message of wake up America!  Wake up and look around.  Wake up and see how your country is falling apart before your very eyes.  Wake up and do something about it.

~Oblitus Només